Monday, October 15, 2007

Breed confusion

Over the last few weeks my mom has been asked several times what breed of dog I am. I have also overheard people asking if I was a pit bull. At first I was upset, "how can anyone confuse me... Russell, Prince of the Shar Pei clan?" So I when on a little journey... shall I say a little soul searching into my bread's past.

There are many excellent web sites on Shar pei history. I found one that was fascinating.

The site notes a period in Shar Pei history called the Grand Mixing. To Quote from the site,
"The Grand Mixing refer to the period when Shar-pei was still referred to by the name of Chinese Fighting Dog . Breeders here in Hong Kong crossed Shar-Pei with any natural born fighters solely to produce a better gladiator. By this, it is already self apparent, like anywhere in the world, that for the purpose of dog fighting people look for physically advantage and not so much on the preservation of the breed.

In order to win, nothing can stop breeders in Hong Kong mixing strong Akita type Tang dogs , and eventually mixing imported breeds such as Boxer, Bulldog, Bull Terrier, Pit Bull Terrier etc. to try solely to produce a better gladiator."

While I believe that dog fighting is sick, I can not change the past. I am who I am and If I wasn't I would not be who I am and therefore I am.


Ruby Bleu said...

Russell, that last sentence is very deep. It's like 'I am what I am and that's all that I am...' wait, who says that? What great philosopher says that...hmm...oh yeah, Popeye - hee hee hee!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Molly the Airedale said...

I can see that you're a very smart boy, Russell!

Love ya lots,

-The Mullin Clan's Mommy- said...

Oh, strong gladiator guy, you can cover my back on patrol wif the A04 or in a dark place any day defending (that's defending not doggy fighting!) ourselves from baddies!

Stanley said...

Russell Bud,

I am... confused. But, I believe with all my heart you are a mighty Sharpei who is a lover, who only LOOKS like a fighter.

Goober love,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Russell
Even me, who doesn't know that much about breeds wouldn't say you are a pit bull!!!
Thanks for sharing that info
Have a good night