Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Randi Tagged me for the Name Game

Dear Randi, I am a playful pup so I will engage in your game. I have a few amendments to the rules. First, I am sensitive about my middle name so you must refrain from public laugher. Second, to conform with my blog charter I must form this posting as advise.

Randi's Rules can be found at Here

My middle name is Cartman. The young punk brothers (pictured to the left) wanted it to be my first name but I was saved by Mom. They compromised on Russell and for that I am forever thankful. I have blocked out their faces to protect their identity as I fear rioting from my fans.

C - always Care for your family. A shar pei never stops caring even when the human are slow givin' up the snacks
A - ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK. Did not mean to scare you. But it's my job, this is what we do.
R - Remember, I remember every time they blame me for farting and I steal one sock per lie. I have enough socks to suit up a football team.
T - Teach, if you have a gift you must share. I am both a student and teacher young grasshopper.
M - Mom, if it was not for you Cartman would be my first name. Never forget Mom
A - Did I mention Attack?
N - Never let them see you sweet. A watch dog alway maintains control.


Ruby Bleu said...

First let me start by saying 'Cartman'? Really? How could those people pups do that too you...thank dogginess for your Mom. I love how you mixed advice into the game...that is so 'you'. Oh and are you an artist too? That picture of Cart-pei is perfect!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Joe Stains said...

hmm I bet if I had a middle name it would have a lot of "A" letters too because I LOVE the attack!

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hello Russell,
Ummm.. 'Russell' definitely sounds cooler than Cartman (although I love to watch South Park). You should really be SOO grateful that your mom stepped in!! Hee...

Goofy said...

Hi Russell... great description on your middle name, CARTMAN.. and I love your attack attack and attack!!!

Sophie Brador said...

Yeah, right. And next you'll blame Canada too. Well, I can tell you one thing to blame Canada for -- Keanu Reeves. Thankfully, Tom Cruise is not one of ours. ha hah ahh ha ha ha ha


Stanley said...


Thank doG for your mom. At least you're not named after that round kid with the filthy little mouth! (You 2 don't look a thing alike).

Goober love,